
Back in Tallinn, Jelly everyone

Posted on October 19, 2011  //  coworking

Since yesterday, I am back in Tallinn to prepare the first Jellies for Tööklubi Tallinn. Checking out the spaces was the first point on the list. I’ve had a very enlightening meeting with, Maarin Ektermann (Mürk) from März Project room, discussing coworking and its possible interpretation in the context of Tallinn. Later that day I joined a discussion about a possible hub founding by the organizers of a local hacker & maker space group. Coworking and hub’ing as concepts seem perfectly known to the people, so that will make it more easy to dock on to some enthusiasts.

Hey! I'll happily receive your comments via email. Thanks for reading.

Andreas Wagner
freelance System Administrator and Ruby programmer in Tallinn, Estonia