Erdrutschsieg der Kommunisten in Graz: Woher rührt der Erfolg, und wo will die KPÖ hin?
hier, Linke, guckt ma:
hier, Linke, guckt ma:
hach ja, was soll mer da noch sagen,,,
wow, is that some sort of early election gift?
Moneyquote: “Digitale Spuren knnen Frauen und Mnner in Afghanistan an die Taliban verraten. Aus diesem Albtraumszenario sollte der Westen etwas lernen.”
textbook example of the power of symbols
so sad it needs ekre to do the obvious thing here…
So, the economic endeavor that created this urban abomination has failed, the market has been corrected. Now, please pack up your mall and try your luck elsewhere.
right, that won’t work; and that is exactly the reason why urban development, city planning, and related topics should never be driven by a market logic, but by the needs and wishes of the people using the city, in conjunction with visionary ideas to enhance the urban living experience.
incl. der im Artikel erwhnten parlamentsreform und dem fakt, dass es so eine konkrete situation wie diesen september noch nicht in D gegeben hat eine starke gute Richtung. aber das alles in einem land von alten fr alte? jngere, ihr msst nun eure alten berzeugen!
only 2 of 6 staffers working (for a group of 24), refusing all external help, “all is well, nothing to see here”, two student helpers left after only 2 days. “we have everything under control”, “We followed all rules, but unfortunately, it [coronavirus] came somehow” - all of the staffers refused vaccination.
doesn’t that sound creepy af? hope the residents are alright…
do your fakking job, you tool!
“vor Gericht” impliziert in diesem fall eine Rechststaatlichkeit, die einfach mal nicht vorhanden ist. Ein anderes Wort wre passender, leider hab ich noch keins Gefunden.
Wie nennt man denn ein Gericht im Unrechtsstaat?
“…would have preferred his party be in a ‘corruption-free’ coalition…”
L! O! L!
with no word does Lanno counter the criticism, and it needs an outcry of the Association of Journalists to point out the blatant disregard for the potential impact on the public trust into the health board and the social affairs ministry.
at this point i am truly wondering, will i get a vaccination in time in this country? or will this ordeal be stretched even more because of the organizational and political incompetence of a chosen view.
if this is true #astutagasi is long overdue.
contemporary expressions of wealth
tl;dr: “It’s time to ban SUVs, tax aviation fuel, and invest in housing renovation and public transport to end fuel poverty, create millions of decent jobs, and cleaner air for all”
“It is mind-boggling that even though emissions have modestly declined over the last 30 years, the emissions of its richest residents have stubbornly continued to rise. The climate problem can’t be solved if luxury consumption continues to grow and if poverty remains unaddressed.”
Estonia also displays the phenomenon where the wealthiest 10 percent of the population emits more CO2 than the poorest 50 percent.
Around a third of Estonia’s residents are estimated to live below the poverty line.
SUVs on Estonia’s roads, many of them purchased via a leasehold agreement including via a company car set-up, are not an uncommon sight, making up around a quarter of new models purchased.
“We challenge abuses of power - and abuses of our biometric data - with a solution based on Transparency, Red Lines and Respect for Humans.”
weil ja hier immer mehr so auf telegram schwren… lieber doch mal signal checken…
Some ideas here for social change, however, based on US analysis.
raise the minimum wage and tie it to inflation
roll back anti-union laws to give workers more leverage against companies that treat them as if they’re disposable
tilt the tax code away from the wealthy
attach benefits to work instead of jobs: For every hour you work, your boss chips in to a fund that pays out when you get sick, pregnant, old or fired. The fund follows you from job to job, and companies have to contribute to it whether you work there a day, a month or a year.
construction workers have an “hour bank” that fills up when they’re working and provides benefits even when they’re between jobs
Hollywood actors and technical staff have health and pension plans that follow them from movie to movie
in low employment / mid to high human resource areas launch a program that simply reimbursed employers for the wages they paid to eligible new hire
improve existing poverty fighting programs and handouts over basic income