
Here are some finds I wanted to share, possibly with a short comment or quote. The Title is the link, the PERMALINK leads you to the individual post.

Anthropologist: Environmental care no longer national concern for Estonia

Posted on July 13, 2024

Anthropologist: Environmental care no longer national concern for Estonia

If the Singing Revolution represents the peak of Estonian protest spirit, the declaration of independence marked the end of Estonian activism. Aet Annist, an associate professor of ethnology at the University of Tartu and senior research fellow at the University of Tallinn, spoke to Novaator about how the social currents and attitudes shaped our environmental activism after liberation.


“A rapidly changing society failed to recognize the structural and systemic causes of poverty and decline. It was as if the victim was entirely to blame for his or her situation.”

“This allowed us, in Annist’s view, to paint a picture of the opposite of dysfunctional: the individualistic and successful achiever. People held up this imaginary figure as a standard for others, disregarding the fortunate circumstances and supportive environment that typically led these individuals to success.”

“The demonstration attempted to change the situation in which farmers were continually spilling milk. Usually, they only did it on their farms. The demonstration attempted to bring this painful requirement to the public’s attention, but it became bogged down in reflection and interpretation of the action.”

“comparing the success of the 1980s protest to the 2017 action against tree felling for a road repair project in a Tallinn suburb. On the one hand, the wider public debate did not address whether such a road widening was even essential. On the other hand, the demonstrators were mocked for concentrating on the protection of reed. ”The protest was described as a waste of time, for example, because a hard-working citizen cannot be involved in such ‘nonsense,’” Annist explained.”

“Since the 1990s, instead of showing solidarity, Estonians have been comparing themselves with others on the basis of material indicators, she suggested. “It’s as if everyone’s future is being sacrificed for the sake of material success and the approval of the richest. Such blinders did not limit our thinking in the 1980s; today, very few of us are free of them. Unfortunately, it is difficult for us and for those in power to step back and reflect on whether the goals set in the 1990s are all sustainable,” she said.”

Actions that create opportunities

Posted on November 10, 2023  //  business

Ideas that create opportunities

Here is a list of ideas that you can do (now) that will create opportunities for yourself in the future.

Justin Jackson

Here are some ideas on things you can do (now) that will create opportunities for yourself in the future:

  • Podcast

  • Give a talk

  • Write a blog

  • Go to meetups

  • Take a course

  • Learn new skills

  • Get a remote job

  • Join a community

  • Grow your network

  • Promote your work

  • Go to a conference

  • Start a newsletter

  • Publish on YouTube

  • Apply for a new job

  • Create a side-project

  • Explore a new industry

  • Collaborate with a friend

  • Build something in public

  • Become an expert on a topic

  • Ship a free project on the internet

  • Sell a small product on the internet

CORS issue, how to work around it with Nginx Proxy Manager

Posted on October 27, 2023  //  software

Reddit - Dive into anything

Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.


First comment:

You need to edit proxy settings for uptime kuma, under Custom Locations add a new location with location as / and then enter your scheme/hostname/port for uptime kuma. Then go to the gear icon besides location and enter add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *; and then save.

Made static cms work with gitea/forgejo.

Poor Millennials

Posted on November 16, 2020  //  society

Generation Screwed

Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.

The Huffington Post

Some ideas here for social change, however, based on US analysis.

  • raise the minimum wage and tie it to inflation

  • roll back anti-union laws to give workers more leverage against companies that treat them as if they’re disposable

  • tilt the tax code away from the wealthy

  • attach benefits to work instead of jobs: For every hour you work, your boss chips in to a fund that pays out when you get sick, pregnant, old or fired. The fund follows you from job to job, and companies have to contribute to it whether you work there a day, a month or a year.

  • construction workers have an “hour bank” that fills up when they’re working and provides benefits even when they’re between jobs

  • Hollywood actors and technical staff have health and pension plans that follow them from movie to movie

  • in low employment / mid to high human resource areas launch a program that simply reimbursed employers for the wages they paid to eligible new hire

  • improve existing poverty fighting programs and handouts over basic income

Copenhagen’s New Public Spaces Are Modular and Can Float

Posted on May 31, 2020  //  urban

Copenhagen’s New Public Spaces Are Modular and Can Float

Architects Marshall Blecher and Magnus Maarbjerg are on a mission to breathe new life into Copenhagen's old harbour. They're working on a floating archipelago that will introduce a new type of public space.

Pop-Up City

Architects Marshall Blecher and Magnus Maarbjerg are on a mission to breathe new life into Copenhagen’s old harbour. They’re working on a floating archipelago that will introduce a new type of public space.

Would be interesting to see something like this in Tallinn.

Exploring a Sustainable Urban Future in the Mountains of Catalonia

Posted on April 4, 2020  //  urban finds

Exploring a Sustainable Urban Future in the Mountains of Catalonia

Why does the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), a world-leading university in the field of architecture, continue its research deep in the woods outside Barcelona?

Pop-Up City

Why does the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), a world-leading university in the field of architecture, continue its research deep in the woods outside Barcelona?

This Furniture Is Bending the Rules of Shared Spaces

Posted on February 2, 2020  //  design

This Furniture Is Bending the Rules of Shared Spaces

Studio Cutwork is redesigning the way we share our spaces with their flexible furniture that is based on an innovative fabrication method. Cutwork’s furniture designs are based on their signature metallic tubes that are being laser-cut to allow them to be bendable. This simple solution brings the production close to…

Pop-Up City

Cutwork’s furniture designs are based on their signature metallic tubes that are being laser-cut to allow them to be bendable. This simple solution brings the production close to the end-users and the furniture can be manufactured on demand eradicating additional costs of storage. If production locally is not an option, emissions from shipping are still kept low by flat-packing all pieces and assembling them on site. As the main material — steel — can be also easily recycled, Cutwork is about to become certified as offering all circular products.

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Posted on August 17, 2011  //  archived article

Bre Pettis | I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto

I present to you a manifesto of done. This was written in collaboration with Kio Stark in 20 minutes because we only had 20 minutes to get it done.


The Cult of Done Manifesto

Dear Members of the Cult of Done, I present to you a manifesto of done. This was written in collaboration with Kio Stark in 20 minutes because we only had 20 minutes to get it done.


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Posted on August 15, 2011  //  article

Wenn es brennt | PERSPEKTIVEN : Magazin für linke Theorie und Praxis

London’s Burning, und nicht nur das. Seit letztem Wochenende haben sich die Revolten über die Hauptstadt hinaus in zahlreiche Städte ausgebreitet, darunter Birmingham, Liverpool und Manchester. Ein paar Diskussionsanregungen aus der Perspektiven-Redaktion.


Wenn es brennt

London’s Burning, und nicht nur das. Seit letztem Wochenende haben sich die Revolten über die Hauptstadt hinaus in zahlreiche Städte ausgebreitet, darunter Birmingham, Liverpool und Manchester. Ein paar Diskussionsanregungen aus der Perspektiven-Redaktion.

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Posted on August 13, 2011  //  art

Candy Chang

Thoughts, stories and ideas.


Candy Chang

Candy Chang is an American artist whose work uncovers the psychological layers within communities. Her practice includes installations that collect thousands of handwritten reflections from the public, and paintings and videos generated from this material. Testimonies of desire, dread, sorrow, hope, and courage are surfaced in shared spaces that challenge norms of visibility and offer new modes of communion.

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Posted on August 11, 2011  //  article

Cameron’s Broken Windows By Richard Sennett and Saskia Sassen

OUR son lives next to a Turkish mosque on Kingsland Road in Hackney, where some of London’s worst mob violence has occurred. When looters rampaged through Hackney last weekend, there were few police officers to stop them and residents had to chase them off with butcher knives, truncheons and baseball bats. Vigilante action succeeded where normal policing failed.

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Posted on July 25, 2011  //  article

Wir können auch anders

Island stand vor zwei Jahren vor dem Staatsbankrott. Das einst so stabile und reiche Vorzeigeland am Polarkreis war wochenlang unter Schock. Doch anstatt in Depression zu verfallen, krempelten die Isländer die Ärmel hoch. Heute ist die Hauptstadt Reykjavik ein lebendiges Laboratorium basisdemokratischer Politik.


Wir können auch anders - Island nach der Finanzkrise

Deutschlandradio Kultur Die Reportage vom 17. Juli 2011


grenzenlose Wahlkreise, eingeteilt nach gemeinsamen Interessen und nicht nach geografischen Regionen

eine Vision für die Stadt?

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Posted on July 22, 2011  //  history

Die Kinder von Golzow - Offizielle Webseite von Winfried und Barbara Junge

"Die Chronik einer Landschulklasse aus Golzow (Oderbruch) und die unterschiedlichen Lebensläufe von bislang dreizehn ehemaligen Schülern in der ältesten Langzei


Leben in Zeitraffer - über nahezu fünf Jahrzehnte

Die Chronik einer Landschulklasse aus Golzow (Oderbruch) und die unterschiedlichen Lebensläufe von achtzehn ehemaligen Schülern in der ältesten Langzeitbeobachtung des internationalen Films.


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Posted on July 19, 2011

Anonymous plant eigenes soziales Netzwerk

Als Reaktion auf die Löschung von Anonymous-Accounts in sozialen Netzwerken arbeiten die Hacktivisten nun an einer eigenen Austauschplattform, die später einmal jedermann offen stehen soll.

heise online

Anonymous plant eigenes soziales Netzwerk

Als Reaktion auf die Löschung von Anonymous-Accounts in sozialen Netzwerken arbeiten die Hacktivisten nun an einer eigenen Austauschplattform, die später einmal jedermann offen stehen soll.

haha, das wäre dann nr. 4 :)

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Posted on July 2, 2011  //  radio

FRN: Die Stadt als kritikfreier Raum. Gespräch über das Projekt DADO 5 in Gotha.

Auch Städte sind mittlerweile einem verschärften Standortwettbewerb ausgesetzt und müssen sich immer stärker einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Logik unterwerfen. Jede Stadt ist Marktakteur, der um Arbeitsplätze und Steuergelder konkurriert. Längst wird Stadtpolitik von Themen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und struktureller Wettbewerbsfahigkeit dominiert. Das hat verheerende Folgen: Was sich nicht rechnet, wird ausgeschlossen. Auch in der thüringischen Stadt Gotha. Genau dorthin schauen wir nun. Der Verein "Art der Stadt" versucht diesem kritikfreien Raum etwas engegenzusetzen: DADO 5.


Die Stadt als kritikfreier Raum. Gespräch über das Projekt DADO 5 in Gotha.

Auch Städte sind mittlerweile einem verschärften Standortwettbewerb ausgesetzt und müssen sich immer stärker einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Logik unterwerfen. Jede Stadt ist Marktakteur, der um Arbeitsplätze und Steuergelder konkurriert. Längst wird Stadtpolitik von Themen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und struktureller Wettbewerbsfahigkeit dominiert. Das hat verheerende Folgen: Was sich nicht rechnet, wird ausgeschlossen. Auch in der thüringischen Stadt Gotha. Genau dorthin schauen wir nun. Der Verein “Art der Stadt” versucht diesem kritikfreien Raum etwas engegenzusetzen: DADO 5.