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Kommentar: Kollateralschaden für die Demokratie - das Maut-Konsortium Toll Collect und die Public-Private-Partnerships
Seit fast 13 Jahren streitet sich der Bund mit dem Toll-Collect-Konsortium um mehrere Milliarden Euro. Das Beispiel zeigt: Die Idee der Public-Private-Partnerships ist gescheitert. -
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fr die fussballfans, weil ichs die tage so oft empfohlen hatte:
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So sehen die spanischen Geisterstädte heute aus
Als 2008 die Immobilienblase platze, ließen Investoren Zehntausende Neubauten verwaisen. Einige sehen heute noch so aus wie vor zehn Jahren. -
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Your digital identity in your personal wallet - Verimi
With Verimi, you can easily prove your identity on the internet without having to pull out your ID card. Secure and face over and over again.#eid, could you please hook up with https://www.verimi.de/en/?
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OLXTOTO : Situs Layanan 1x24Jam Nonstop Dan Mudah Menang 2024
OLXTOTO adalah sebuah situs layanan yang menyediakan permainan judi online yang dapat diakses selama 24 jam nonstop. -
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Unvaccinated child in Viimsi diagnosed with measles following overseas trip
According to Health Board data, an unvaccinated 11-year-old child was diagnosed with measles in March. The child, a student of Viimsi High School, caught measles on a trip to Thailand from which their family returned in early March.“The child in question is a student at Viimsi High School, where there are a total of 34 unvaccinated children, among them three other children in the patient’s class whose parents have refused to vaccinate.”
I’ve just been made aware of the Estonian average vaccination rate of children (somewhere below 50% in case of measles, can anybody confirm?). In context with that old “Drink bleach to stay healthy” story, I’m really at a loss here…
To all fellow parents who think that not vaccinating your child will keep it healthier, please educate yourself.
Please also educate fellow other parents who won’t read this.
This case shows how grossly negligent your acts are!
One might really think that hundreds of years of successful history of general vaccination, including the near-eradication of rather nasty child killer diseases would make this a nobrainer. Please don’t proof that you are instead nobrainers!
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Seehofer und seine Mannschaft
Heimatminister Seehofer meint, der Islam gehöre nicht zu Deutschland. Schaut man in sein Ministerium, dann gehören Frauen auch nicht dazu.der typ is so sinnlos
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Hartz IV - "Toastbrot: 59 Cent, reicht für zwei Tage"
416 Euro im Monat, ist man damit arm? Vier Bedürftige zeigen ihre Kassenzettel und erzählen, was sie sich leisten können - und was nicht. -
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Child abuse imagery found within bitcoin's blockchain
Researchers discover illegal content within the distributed ledger, making possession of it potentially unlawful in many countrieswell, fuck https://t.co/yiQj3m06Td
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Das Division Bells Land oder eine sehr estnische Geschichte
Dieser Artikel ist in der russischen Version in rus.delfi.ee erschienen. Im Dezember bat die Zeitschrift Vikerkaar den Journalisten Nikol... -
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Rakvere meatpacking plant threatening strikers, trade union says
According to employees of the Rakvere meatpacking plant of meat producer HKScan, the company has begun to threaten them. The company allegedly threatened to fire, blacklist, or otherwise "make their life difficult", the employee's trade union said.makes it really easy to ignore Rakvere meat in the shops…
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Besonderes elektronisches Anwaltspostfach: Das Chaos nimmt zu
Das vorläufige Scheitern des beA entwickelt eine unerwartete Sprengkraft. Atos verweigert die beAthon-Teilnahme und lässt damit die BRAK endgültig im Regen stehen. Der Deutsche Anwaltverein stellt umfangreiche Forderungen.das is alles so peinlich
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Reddit - Dive into anything
Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.there exists
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The Loneliness of the Long Distance Rocker | Rhett Miller
We all knew there was a cutthroat cabal of music industry execs waiting on the top floor of a tower in Rockefeller Center, but we also knew that we were the good guys.
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