Finland is winning the war on fake news. Other nations want the blueprint
one more role model project for estonia
one more role model project for estonia
it’s painful to read this article, in particular given the choice and price of veggies in Tallinn supermarkets:
cant make this shit up:
#estonia #petitsioon
could someone please come up with a petition that calls for reinstating the alko tax in order to fund the 1% gdp raise for the education & science sector, so that the literal single asset of this country wont go down the drain. furthermore i believe this current government needs to step back.
this is so on point!
so is richtig!
very satisfied to see this one translated into english for reference of growing up in the east in the 90s
hier, falls dies jemanden betrifft:
Tule koos meiega, homme hommikul.
finally some sort of principled standpoint in this disgusting disappointment
need a site to quickly check your next #train connection in #estonia?
here helps you:
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