yey for them
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Use the link below to return to the homepage or visit our help centre to let us know about this issue. Alternatively find something different to read from the list below.seems like the title for most progressive government transparency has been snatched off of Estonia
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Save Disk Space and Manage Your File Storage - Dropbox
Dropbox enables you to set files as online-only when storing them in the cloud—freeing up space on your computer or hard drive. Find out more.humboldt humboldt gogogo
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Tara Sinn
Tara Sinn is an artist living in a black hole.all of it
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just finished my first rails-tutorial-app. rather unspectacular…
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Jill Stein 2024
People. Planet. Peace.yes, there’s actually a green candidate
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Report on the Estonian Internet Voting System
Author: Barbara Simons I visited Estonia in mid-July of this year at the invitation of Edgar Savisaar, the country’s first prime minister and current mayor of Tallinn. Mr. Savisaar is the leader of the Centre Party, which placed second in recent national elections. The Centre Party and Mr. Savisaar have been questioning the outcome of… -
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"Eric Hobsbawm war unorthodox und undogmatisch" | L.I.S.A. WISSENSCHAFTSPORTAL GERDA HENKEL STIFTUNG
Der britische Historiker Eric Hobsbawm ist vor etwa einer Woche im Alter von 95 Jahren gestorben. Kaum ein anderer Historiker hat die Geschichtswissenschaft so sehr geprägt wie er. Wir haben mit einem der bedeutendsten deutschen Historiker, mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka , über den Menschen und Wissenschaftler Eric Hobsbawm gesprochen.nachruf
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The centre reigns supreme: how a polycentric urban plan for Beijing was lost
Jinxi Chen takes us on a modern history tour of Beijing's urban structure, and argues that Mao's efforts to replace the old historic centre with the institutions of communist government may have transformed the image of the city, but preserved the old concentric structure that could not work well for contemporary Beijing. -
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ARD Mediathek
ARD Mediathek -
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The Case for Abolishing Patents (Yes, All of Them)
The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine. -
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Site Maker: Build Your Own Bio Or Business Website
Build your personal bio website or small business website with Site Maker. Create your site for free with Namecheap’s website builder using a 14-day free trial. -
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Frank Schirrmachers Düsseldorfer Dankrede: Den Schmerz verdoppeln
Was ist Inversion? Wenn ein Nobelpreisträger die Juden zur Gefahr erklärt. Wenn die deutsche Justiz den Juden Körperverletzung vorwirft....wie wichtig Sprache ist…
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Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything?
42,842 points • 8 comments -
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A Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well.
Michael D. Higgins (who was elected president of Ireland last year) is fed up with over-the-top Tea Party rhetoric, and he isn't afraid to show it. Listen to him call out radio host Michael Graham on everything from health care to foreign policy in this heated exchange from 2010. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one.i want to follow this Irish president for standing up for something. puts a tear in my eye for not being Irish right now :)
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Crowdsourcing und Cloudworking: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt
Wie die Technologien des Web 2.0 unser Arbeitsleben grundlegend umkrempeln werdenbdde ma problemadisiern
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Yekaterina Samutsevich closing statement at the Pussy Riot Trial
Yekaterina Samutsevich's closing statement in the criminal case against the feminist punk group Pussy Riot: During the closing statement, the defendant is expected to repent or express regret for her...“On the one hand, we now expect a guilty verdict. Compared to the judicial machine, we are nobodies, and we have lost. On the other hand, we have won. Now the whole world sees that the criminal case against us has been fabricated. The system cannot conceal the repressive nature of this trial. Once again, Russia looks different in the eyes of the world from the way Putin tries to present it at daily international meetings.”
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Enteignung, Diebstahl oder Plünderung?
Eine Gewerkschaft hat in Südspanien in zwei Supermärkten Lebensmittel "enteignet", um sie an Bedürftige zu verteilenso is rischtisch:
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Kalaranna, Kalasadama ja Kultuurikilomeetri väärtuste kaitseks!
Kas sina oled kuulnud, et Tallinn olla merelinn? Aga kui mitmest kohast Tallinnas varbaidpidi mere äärde pääseb? Piritalt, Kakumäelt, ah jaa, Stromkalt… Meie tahame küll enamat! NB! Pöördumise eesmärk pole takistada linnaarengut, vaid leida võimalikest lahendustest parim. Ikka selle nimel, et inimesed merega sõbraks saaksid. (Petition to protect the values of Kalarand, Kalasadam and Kultuurikilomeeter in Tallinn! --> English text below) -
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Brussels Express
A documentary about bike messengers in Brussels, the most congested city in Europe with only 4% cycling traffic. Please watch in fullscreen. (2012 - 19 min) / Vimeo… -
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