(A post is making rounds on social media, in response to the Women’s March on Saturday, January 21, 2017. It starts with “I am not a… -
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Der Fall Holm
Darf ein ehemaliger hauptamtlicher Nachwuchsmitarbeiter der Stasi 27 Jahre nach dem Untergang des MfS Staatssekretär werden? Ein Fall, der ab Ende 2016 in Berlin für politischen Streit sorgte.differenzierter als jeder artikel, offener brief oder petitionsaufruf
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Estonia’s €200,000 letterhead
Never mind the “Puking hedgehog”. Estonia’s new brand concept has far more serious problemsEstonias 200,000 letterhead by Dario Cavegn https://t.co/00mC3yyrZj
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Skype-Bewerbung: Kultusministerin Eisenmann kündigt Überarbeitung an
In Baden-Württemberg sorgt der Fall einer Lehrerin für Diskussionen, deren Bewerbung abgelehnt wurde, weil sie ihr Vorstellungsgespräch von Malaysia aus über Skype geführt hatte.schritt fr schritt zum glck
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George Michael ist tot
George Michael feierte Hits mit Wham! und war als Solokünstler erfolgreich. Der Sänger von "Last Christmas" verstarb im Alter von 53 Jahren.‘last christmas…’ sing
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Plötzlich Populist
Sie scheinen wie Pilze aus dem Boden zu schießen, aber tatsächlich sind die Populisten in Frankreich, den USA oder Ungarn Ergebnis eines langen Prozesses. -
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Facebook: Die geheimen Lösch-Regeln von Facebook
Facebook legt fest, wer geschützt wird, wer nicht, und dass es ok ist, zu posten: "Hängt Kinderschänder".“Es wirkt besorgniserregend, wenn Facebook festlegt, wer oder was in einer Gesellschaft besonderen Schutz geniet, welche Aussagen erlaubt und welche verboten sind. Diese Fragen regelt in demokratischen Gesellschaften in erster Linie das Gesetz - und nicht die firmeninternen Regeln eines brsennotieren Konzerns, dessen Kernprodukt ein eigentlich hohes gesellschaftliches Gut ist: eine mglichst breite ffentlichkeit. Facebook konkurriert nicht nur mit den Medien, es konkurriert auch mit dem Staat an sich.”
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Aleppo battle: Calls to spare lives as fighting nears end
The UN and Red Cross appeal for civilians to be protected, as fighting in Syria's Aleppo nears its end. -
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Class Warfare: Radical French philosopher Guy Debord’s Situationist board game
Guy Debord and Alice Becker-Ho playing Kriegspiel in 1977. Photo by Jeanne Cornet via Cabinet After he disbanded the Situationist International in 1972, one of the obsessions that consumed Guy Debord was a board game he invented. Kriegspiel, or Le Jeu de la Guerre—German and French, respectively, for “war game”—was based on Debord’s reading of the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. The London-based group Class Wargames describes Kriegspiel’s purpose concisely: For Debord, The Game of War wasn’t just a game - it was a guide to how people should live their lives within Fordist society. By playing, revolutionary activists could learn how to fight and win against the oppressors of spectacular society. So convinced was Debord of the game’s utility and revolutionary potential that, in 1977, he founded Les Jeux Stratégiques et Historiques (Strategic and Historic Games) to produce a limited run of Kriegspiel sets. Ten years later, Debord and his wife Alice Becker-Ho published a book about Kriegspiel, Le Jeu de la Guerre. Debord opens the sixth chapter of his memoir Panegyric with these reflections on his game: I have been very interested in war, in the theoreticians of its strategy, but also in...https://t.co/PLmKU4J68N #Situationist
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htop explained
Explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on Linuxhttps://t.co/7Rv6QtDlf1 #manual for htop #commandline resource monitor
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I don’t belong in tech
Trying to find my place in the place I love, and constantly failingI dont belong in tech by @saronyitbarek https://t.co/EG1XGCoYJr
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The truth about smart cities: ‘In the end, they will destroy democracy'
The smart city is, to many urban thinkers, just a buzzphrase that has outlived its usefulness: ‘the wrong idea pitched in the wrong way to the wrong people’. So why did that happen – and what’s coming in its place, asks Steven Poole -
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Kommentar: The Internet of Shitty Things
Heizungsthermostate, Brotkörbe, Kaffeemaschinen: Das Netz ist voll mit Dingen, die da nur Quatsch machen. Braucht kein Mensch. Das Internet of Things ist ein riesiger Haufen Scheiße, meint Clemens Gleich.ebn
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Farewell, America
No matter how the rest of the world looked at us on Nov. 7, they will now look at us differently. What Trump's America mean for our standing in the world. -
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Paterson (film) - Wikipedia
Paterson is a 2016 drama film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. The film stars Adam Driver as a bus driver and poet named Paterson, and Golshifteh Farahani as his wife, who dreams of being a country music star and opening a cupcake business.a very beautiful movie:
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Chris Rock on Instagram
45K likes, 818 comments - chrisrock on May 21, 2016 -
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The health care system is unable to resolve many of the illnesses affecting children on time
TALLINN, 10 November 2016 – In the opinion of the National Audit Office of Estonia, the current health care administration of children requires prompt changes, because illnesses affecting children are not discovered early enough, children do not receive treatment on time and the treatment is not always consistent. Untreated illnesses will be reflected in the future in the loss of years of life and work of the working-age people, thereby directly affecting the overall functioning and coping of the state. Health care administration can be improved upon by establishing a substantive cooperation between health care specialists and by appointing a party whose task it is to ensure that a child receives help at the right time.when the exclamation ‘somebody think of the children’ is heard by riigikontroll.
thank you for your important work of awareness raising :)
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The Midult on Instagram: "Seems like an apt time to repost this theory... 🇺🇸 #ohgod #ohgodohgod"
3,544 likes, 437 comments - themidult on November 8, 2016: "Seems like an apt time to repost this theory... 🇺🇸 #ohgod #ohgodohgod" -
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I’m a Coastal Elite From the Midwest: The Real Bubble is Rural America - Roll Call
I’m from the rural Midwest. I now live in Washington, D.C. All of this talk about coastal elites needing to understand more of America has it backward. My home county in Ohio is 97 percent white. It, like a lot of other very unrepresentative counties, went heavily for Donald Trump. My high school had about 950 students. […]mandatory one-year-out-of-town-travelling for everybody everywhere
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Deals, Gadgets & Magazin für NerdsDas: http://www.nerdcore.de/2016/11/10/trump-eh/
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History Tells Us What Will Happen Next With Brexit And Trump
Ignoring and mocking the experts, as people are doing around Brexit and Trump's campaign, is no different to ignoring a doctor who tells you to stop smoking, and then finding later you've developed incurable cancer.
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